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Child and Adolescent Counseling Hinsdale, IL close to Hinsdale, IL // Irving & Associates in Behavioral Health

Looking for Child and Adolescent Counseling Hinsdale, IL near Hinsdale, IL?
That's Irving & Associates in Behavioral Health!

Child and Adolescent Counseling

Child and Adolescent Counseling

During child and adolescent counseling, one of our trained clinicians works specifically with a child or adolescent member. We understand that these years of life can be a challenge for both the child as well as the parents. There are many stressors that children and adolescents face. Child and adolescent counseling can help children, adolescents and families identify and work through these stressors in a caring and supportive environment. We work with children ages 7 years and older.

Areas covered include, but are not limited to:
  • Depression and low self-esteem
  • Child anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Problem behaviors at home/school
  • ADHD treatment
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Social skills and peer relationships
  • Divorce transitions
  • Parent/teen relationships
  • Blended family relationships
  • Self-injury

Providing Child and Adolescent Counseling Hinsdale, IL near Hinsdale, IL.

Call to schedule your appointment (630) 963 5390
We're here to assist you

5151 Mochel Drive Suite 307
Downers Grove, IL 60515


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